Monday, April 14, 2014

Well into the drawing session the model was quite relaxed - almost pensive.
I always try to capture the specificity of the moment, after all, thats what I think life is made of.."moments".
Third Street Arts Drawing Group in Albuquerque, NM

11x17 graphite

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Life Drawing

Back at the Figure Drawing, We start with one minute, then two minute poses', then five, ten, twenty,ending with a longest pose of thirty minutesThis one was from one of the ten minute ones.  Progress is a little at a time.   14x17 Graphite

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ok, so its not quite a figure model,but hey look at those - those curves !
Now for "serious " art speak....  I carefully chose this select  bone from my collection
for its interesting shape, and warm notes of color randomly appearing on its surfaces.
Next I chose an analagous colored background to further add to the overall color harmony.
Lastly, I concieved and executed  the painting using a limited palette of Red Iron Oxide, Yellow Ochre,Black and White.  ok Im done now.  Actually it was an enjoyable way to spend an hour.